And Facebook's dealings with Zygna ("only play on our playground") might raise some FTC/antitrust eyebrows. That's just the risks. If they execute as well as they did the past few years, there's likely no stopping them. ... I, by the way, am not in Facebook because I find it cumbersome compared to Twitter where I can easily get info sources from all over the world and listen to a carefully selected wide variety of "voices" and opinions from many countries. ...
i got all 8 doing the mugging in NY, remember it said all jobs and fights drop the items and since i don't think zygna would discriminate between a hi level and lo level character any job would have the same chance of giving items... do enough ... just so ye know, there is no specific jobs to do to get the items. i did the very first job in NY and got them all within 20 mins of just repeating that job. took about 2000 energy to do the jobs but got them all easily enough ...
I could easily switch that up for a big gulp/slurpee/ whatever every once and a while. Anyway I check farmville freak a lot if anyone is interested just let me know and I will figure out how to send you codes or whatever it is. .... Why is it that all these people from other countries profess to hate everything about the United States yet you all would die to come here for vacation or to live. Social justice never works just look at all of eastern europe. ...